Why Your New Year’s Resolution Should Be Insurance

While Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner, we’d like to take a moment to talk about something that is going to be on your mind soon – if it isn’t already: New Year’s Resolutions.

Typically, as we prepare to start a new year, New Year’s resolutions are often at the forefront of our minds. Many of us pledge to exercise more, save money, or even read a book each month. While these resolutions are commendable, they often overlook an essential aspect of life planning – insurance. Kaia Insurance Group believes that incorporating life insurance, disability insurance, and other types of protective policies should be part of your New Year’s resolutions. Here’s why committing to insurance this New Year is a resolution that not only has significant value but is also easy to keep.

The Urgency of Life Insurance

Life insurance often takes a backseat when discussing financial planning, but its value and importance cannot be overstated. Life insurance provides financial support to your family or dependents in the unfortunate event of your passing. This support can be utilized for funeral costs, to pay off debt, or to sustain a lifestyle that your family is accustomed to. If you’re the primary income of your family, life insurance becomes an even more crucial safety net.

For many of us, life insurance actually offers some of the things that we talk about as part of our resolutions:

  • Financial Security – Life insurance ensures that your family will have a stable financial future, even if you are no longer there to provide for them.
  • Debt Management – Any existing debts or mortgages can be settled without burdening your family, preserving their financial stability.
  • Educational Plans – If you have children, life insurance can contribute to their educational expenses, ensuring their future is secure even in your absence.

While we typically think of life insurance as things we do for ourselves while we’re alive, resolutions are about deciding to make a change that helps us in the future. Life insurance does just that.

The Often Overlooked Importance of Disability Insurance

While many might think about life insurance, disability insurance is often overlooked. This form of insurance is crucial because, statistically, you are more likely to become disabled during your working years than to die. Disability insurance replaces a portion of your income if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury.

  • Income Replacement – Receive up to 60% of your income, allowing you to maintain your current lifestyle without significant disruptions.
  • Medical Bills – Disability insurance can help cover medical expenses that may not be fully covered by your health insurance.
  • Protection for the Self-Employed – Those who are self-employed often lack the safety nets provided by employer-based disability programs, making personal disability insurance even more critical.

Many of us have resolutions that include “I want to be healthier.” But sometimes, “healthier” is not only about preventing health issues, but also responding to them in ways that support your family and lifestyle. Disability insurance does that.

Additional Forms of Insurance Worth Considering

Aside from life and disability insurance, there are other types of policies that offer significant benefits.

  • Critical Illness Insurance – This provides a lump sum payment if you are diagnosed with a critical illness, helping you handle the financial challenges that come with extensive medical treatments.
  • Long-Term Care Insurance – As we age, the likelihood of needing long-term medical care increases. Long-term care insurance helps cover the costs associated with these services, which are often not fully covered by regular health insurance.

These continue the trend of protecting your health and wellness now and in the future. At Kaia Insurance Group, we can also help you select other forms of insurance as well to help you keep to your resolutions.

Taking the First Step with Kaia Insurance Group

At Kaia Insurance Group, we make the process of choosing and purchasing the right insurance policies straightforward and efficient. Our team of experts is here to guide you through every step, ensuring that you make informed decisions tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. With insurance as a New Year’s resolution, you’re making a lifelong commitment to the financial well-being of you and your loved ones—a commitment that is easy to initiate and offers inestimable value.

Don’t let another year pass without safeguarding your future. Contact Kaia Insurance Group to discuss your insurance options and make this New Year’s resolution one that will protect you and your family for years to come.

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